Results for 'Ren Van Hezewijk'

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  1.  30
    Adaptive and Genomic Explanations of Human Behaviour: Might Evolutionary Psychology Contribute to Behavioural Genomics?Marko Barendregt & Ren Van Hezewijk - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (1):57-78.
    Abstract.Evolutionary psychology and behavioural genomics are both approaches to explain human behaviour from a genetic point of view. Nonetheless, thus far the development of these disciplines is anything but interdependent. This paper examines the question whether evolutionary psychology can contribute to behavioural genomics. Firstly, a possible inconsistency between the two approaches is reviewed, viz. that evolutionary psychology focuses on the universal human nature and disregards the genetic variation studied by behavioural genomics. Secondly, we will discuss the structure of biological explanations. (...)
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    The symbolic brain or the invisible hand?René van Hezewijk & Edward H. F. de Haan - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):85-86.
  3.  79
    Adaptive and genomic explanations of human behaviour: Might evolutionary psychology contribute to behavioural genomics? [REVIEW]Marko Barendregt & René Van Hezewijk - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (1):57-78.
    . Evolutionary psychology and behavioural genomics are both approaches to explain human behaviour from a genetic point of view. Nonetheless, thus far the development of these disciplines is anything but interdependent. This paper examines the question whether evolutionary psychology can contribute to behavioural genomics. Firstly, a possible inconsistency between the two approaches is reviewed, viz. that evolutionary psychology focuses on the universal human nature and disregards the genetic variation studied by behavioural genomics. Secondly, we will discuss the structure of biological (...)
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    Moving Beyond Traditional Null Hypothesis Testing: Evaluating Expectations Directly.Rens Van de Schoot, Herbert Hoijtink & Romeijn Jan-Willem - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    The consequences of being on the agenda: The effect of media and public attention on firms’ stock market performance.Rens Vliegenthart & Toni G. L. A. van der Meer - 2018 - Communications 43 (1):5-24.
    This study applies agenda setting theory to understand how firms’ financial performance is affected by both the news media and the public agenda. Using content and time-series analysis for the data of five Dutch firms, we demonstrate that media attention and public attention for a firm affect stock market ratings. As hypothesized, the effect of media attention was found to be negative whereas the effect of public attention was positive.
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    Bio-Psychological Predictors of Acute and Protracted Fatigue After Burns: A Longitudinal Study.Elise Boersma-van Dam, Iris M. Engelhard, Rens van de Schoot & Nancy E. E. Van Loey - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveFatigue after burns is often attributed to the hyperinflammatory and hypermetabolic response, while it may be best understood from a bio-psychological perspective, also involving the neuro-endocrine system. This longitudinal multi-center study examined the course of fatigue up to 18 months postburn. The contribution of bio-psychological factors, including burn severity, pain, and acute PTSD symptoms, to the course and persistence of fatigue was studied in a multifactorial model.MethodsParticipants were 247 adult burn survivors. Fatigue symptoms were assessed with the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (...)
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    The Flow of Cognitive Goods: A Historiographical Framework for the Study of Epistemic Transfer.Rens Bod, Jeroen van Dongen, Sjang L. Ten Hagen, Bart Karstens & Emma Mojet - 2019 - Isis 110 (3):483-496.
    Historians of science have described various cases of disciplines influencing one another. Such exchanges across disciplinary boundaries often signal innovation, intellectual change, and breakthroughs. A satisfactory framework from which the historical phenomenon of epistemic transfer between disciplines can be studied systematically, however, has not yet been proposed. This essay introduces the notion of “cognitive goods,” a tool of knowledge making that can be transferred across disciplinary boundaries. Cognitive goods include, for example, methods, concepts, and instruments. The essay proposes to study (...)
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  8.  58
    Editorial: Measurement Invariance.Rens Van De Schoot, Peter Schmidt, Alain De Beuckelaer, Kimberley Lek & Marielle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The effects of sensorimotor and linguistic information on the basic-level advantage.Rens van Hoef, Louise Connell & Dermot Lynott - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105606.
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  10.  23
    Online and Offline Battles : Usage of Different Political Conflict Frames.Emma van der Goot, Sanne Kruikemeier, Jeroen de Ridder & Rens Vliegenthart - unknown
    Conflict framing is key in political communication. Politicians use conflict framing in their online messages (e.g., criticizing other politicians) and journalists in their political coverage (e.g., reporting on political tensions). Conflicts can take a variety of forms and can provoke different reactions. However, the literature still lacks a systematic and theoretically-grounded conceptual framework that accounts for the multi-dimensionality of political conflict frames. Based on literature from political epistemology, political communication, and related fields such as psychology, we present four conceptual dimensions (...)
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  11. 26 Jacques Rancière.Rens van Munster - 2009 - In Jenny Edkins & Nick Vaughan-Williams, Critical theorists and international relations. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
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  12.  19
    Framing pension reform in the news: Traditional versus social media.Linda van den Heijkant, Martine van Selm, Iina Hellsten & Rens Vliegenthart - 2023 - Communications 48 (2):249-272.
    Social media are increasingly important in the news menu of media users. Differences in news production processes between traditional and social media may lead to differences in how political and social issues are depicted, and this may, eventually, have consequences for the information that reaches citizens about an issue. Against this background, this study compares content across the two media types to examine whether and how the framing of a sociopolitical issue differs between newspaper articles and posts on social media. (...)
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    Dichtbij de politiek: hoe interactieve en persoonlijke communicatie de politieke betrokkenheid van burgers vergroot.Sanne Kruikemeier, Guda van Noort, Rens Vliegenthart & Claes H. De Vreese - 2014 - Res Publica 56 (1):133-135.
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  14. A Theoria Round Table on Philosophy Publishing.Bengt Hansson, Hans van Ditmarsch, Pascal Engel, Sven Ove Hansson, Vincent Hendricks, Søren Holm, Pauline Jacobson, Anthonie Meijers, Henry S. Richardson & Hans Rott - 2011 - Theoria 77 (2):104-116.
    As part of the conference commemorating Theoria's 75th anniversary, a round table discussion on philosophy publishing was held in Bergendal, Sollentuna, Sweden, on 1 October 2010. Bengt Hansson was the chair, and the other participants were eight editors-in-chief of philosophy journals: Hans van Ditmarsch (Journal of Philosophical Logic), Pascal Engel (Dialectica), Sven Ove Hansson (Theoria), Vincent Hendricks (Synthese), Søren Holm (Journal of Medical Ethics), Pauline Jacobson (Linguistics and Philosophy), Anthonie Meijers (Philosophical Explorations), Henry S. Richardson (Ethics) and Hans Rott (Erkenntnis).
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    Application and Evaluation of an Expert Judgment Elicitation Procedure for Correlations.Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, Wenneke van de Schoot-Hubeek, Kimberley Lek, Herbert Hoijtink & Rens van de Schoot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:228394.
    The purpose of the current study was to apply and evaluate a procedure to elicit expert judgments about correlations, and to update this information with empirical data. The result is a face-to-face group elicitation procedure with as its central element a trial roulette question that elicits experts' judgments expressed as distributions. During the elicitation procedure, a concordance probability question was used to provide feedback to the experts on their judgments. We evaluated the elicitation procedure in terms of validity and reliability (...)
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    Perspectives on the Philosophy of W.P. Alston ‐ Edited by Heather D. Battaly and Michael P. Lynch. [REVIEW]Ren van Woudenberg - 2006 - Philosophical Books 47 (4):360-362.
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    A Linguistic–Sensorimotor Model of the Basic‐Level Advantage in Category Verification.Cai Wingfield, Rens van Hoef & Louise Connell - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (12):e70025.
    People are generally more accurate at categorizing objects at the basic level (e.g., dog) than at more general, superordinate categories (e.g., animal). Recent research has suggested that this basic‐level advantage emerges from the linguistic‐distributional and sensorimotor relationship between a category concept and object concept, but the proposed mechanisms have not been subject to a formal computational test. In this paper, we present a computational model of category verification that allows linguistic distributional information and sensorimotor experience to interact in a grounded (...)
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  18.  36
    The experience of traumatic events disrupts the measurement invariance of a posttraumatic stress scale.Miriam J. J. Lommen, Rens van de Schoot & Iris M. Engelhard - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Beyond the Boundary Between Science and Values: re-evaluating the moral dimension of the nurse's role in cot death prevention.Klasien Horstman & Engeline van Rens-Leenaarts - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (2):137-154.
    This article combines a philosophical critique of the idea that public health nurses are primary technicians who neutrally hand over scientifically established facts on risks to the public and an empirical analysis of the actual work of public health nurses. It is argued that the relationship between facts and values in public health is complex and that, despite the introduction of several scientifically-based standards and guidelines, public health nurses are not technicians. They do moral work and experience ethical dilemmas. To (...)
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  20.  40
    Constrained statistical inference: sample-size tables for ANOVA and regression.Leonard Vanbrabant, Rens Van De Schoot & Yves Rosseel - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:123036.
    Researchers in the social and behavioral sciences often have clear expectations about the order/direction of the parameters in their statistical model. For example, a researcher might expect that regression coefficient β 1 is larger than β 2 and β 3. The corresponding hypothesis is H : β 1 > {β 2, β 3 } and this is known as an (order) constrained hypothesis. A major advantage of testing such a hypothesis is that power can be gained and inherently a smaller (...)
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  21.  25
    ‘Dual Sensory Loss Protocol’ for Communication and Wellbeing of Older Adults With Vision and Hearing Impairment – A Randomized Controlled Trial.Hilde L. Vreeken, Ruth M. A. van Nispen, Sophia E. Kramer & Ger H. M. B. van Rens - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectivesMany older adults with visual impairment also have significant hearing loss. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of a newly developed Dual Sensory Loss protocol on communication and wellbeing of older persons with DSL and their communication partners in the Netherlands and Belgium.MethodsParticipants and their communication partners were randomized in the “DSL-protocol” intervention group or a waiting-list control group. The intervention took 3 to 5 weeks. Occupational therapists focused on optimal use of hearing aids, home-environment modifications and effective communication (...)
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  22.  56
    De unificatie van menselijke cognitie.Rens Bod - 2008 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 100 (2):129-137.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  24.  18
    Avoiding the news to participate in society? The longitudinal relationship between news avoidance and civic engagement.Jakob Ohme, Kiki de Bruin, Yael de Haan, Sanne Kruikemeier, Toni G. L. A. van der Meer & Rens Vliegenthart - 2023 - Communications 48 (4):551-562.
    Lower levels of news use are generally understood to be associated with less political engagement among citizens. But while some people simply have a low preference for news, others avoid the news intentionally. So far little is known about the relationship between active news avoidance and civic engagement in society, a void this study has set out to fill. Based on a four-wave general population panel survey in the Netherlands, conducted between April and July 2020 (N = 1,084) during a (...)
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  25.  9
    Een wereld vol patronen: de geschiedenis van kennis.Rens Bod - 2016 - Amsterdam: Prometheus.
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    De inhoud maakt verschil: de dynamiek van parlementair vraaggedrag in België en Denemarken.Rens Vliegenthart & Stefaan Walgrave - 2011 - Res Publica (Misc) 53 (4):481-483.
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    Expert Elicitation for Latent Growth Curve Models: The Case of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Development in Children With Burn Injuries.Duco Veen, Marthe R. Egberts, Nancy E. E. van Loey & Rens van de Schoot - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:532986.
    Experts provide an alternative source of information to classical data collection methods such as surveys. They can provide additional insight into problems, supplement existing data, or provide insights when classical data collection is troublesome. In this paper, we explore the (dis)similarities between expert judgments and data collected by traditional data collection methods regarding the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSSs) in children with burn injuries. By means of an elicitation procedure, the experts’ domain expertise is formalized and represented in the (...)
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  28.  28
    Proposal for a Five-Step Method to Elicit Expert Judgment.Duco Veen, Diederick Stoel, Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg & Rens van de Schoot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Exploring Consent to Use Real-World Data in Lung Cancer Radiotherapy: Decision of a Citizens’ Jury for an ‘Informed Opt-Out’ Approach.Arbaz Kapadi, Hannah Turner-Uaandja, Rebecca Holley, Kate Wicks, Leila Hamrang, Brian Turner, Tjeerd van Staa, Catherine Bowden, Annie Keane, Gareth Price, Corinne Faivre-Finn, David French, Caroline Sanders, Søren Holm & Sarah Devaney - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-22.
    An emerging approach to complement randomised controlled trial (RCT) data in the development of radiotherapy treatments is to use routinely collected ‘real-world’ data (RWD). RWD is the data collected as standard-of-care about all patients during their usual cancer care pathway. Given the nature of this data, important questions remain about the permissibility and acceptability of using RWD in routine practice. We involved and engaged with patients, carers and the public in a two-day citizens’ jury to understand their views and obtain (...)
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    Effective and Efficient Stand Magnifier Use in Visually Impaired Children.Joyce Liebrand-Schurink, Ralf F. A. Cox, Ger H. M. B. van Rens, Antonius H. N. Cillessen, Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek & Frouke N. Boonstra - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    On the structural ambiguity in natural language that the neural architecture cannot deal with.Rens Bod, Hartmut Fitz & Willem Zuidema - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):71-72.
    We argue that van der Velde's & de Kamps's model does not solve the binding problem but merely shifts the burden of constructing appropriate neural representations of sentence structure to unexplained preprocessing of the linguistic input. As a consequence, their model is not able to explain how various neural representations can be assigned to sentences that are structurally ambiguous.
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    İnanç müzi̇ği̇ etnoloji̇si̇ perspekti̇fi̇nde bi̇r şehri̇n i̇lâhi̇si̇ "ya hannân ya Mennan".Mustafa Dağdevi̇ren - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):84-98.
    Faith music has existed with the emergence of belief since the archaic period and has been a tool in showing devotion to the sacred in almost all beliefs. Music is sometimes used individually, sometimes together with collective rituals, sometimes only with human voices, sometimes only with instruments and sometimes with musical accompaniment, in order to spread the belief, convey religious information and reinforce the teachings, purify, communicate with the spirits and present their devotion to them. In the study, the hymn (...)
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  33.  26
    Modal Information Logics: Axiomatizations and Decidability.Søren Brinck Knudstorp - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1723-1766.
    The present paper studies formal properties of so-called modal information logics (MILs)—modal logics first proposed in (van Benthem 1996 ) as a way of using possible-worlds semantics to model a theory of information. They do so by extending the language of propositional logic with a binary modality defined in terms of being the supremum of two states. First proposed in 1996, MILs have been around for some time, yet not much is known: (van Benthem 2017, 2019 ) pose two central (...)
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    Sören Kirkegaard.Maarten van Rhijn - 1941 - Baarn,: Bosch & Keuning n.v..
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  35. Claudia Aradau and Rens Van Munster, Politics of Catastrophe: Genealogies of the Unknown.Peter Adey - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 176:53.
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    “"Who is a rén 人? The Use of rén in" Spring and Autumn” Records and Its Interpretation in the Zuǒ, Gōngyang, and Gǔliáng Commentaries.Newell Ann Van Auken - 2011 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 131 (4):555-590.
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    Ambition-Sensitivity and an Unconditional Basic Income.Søren Flinch Midtgaard - 2000 - Analyse & Kritik 22 (2):223-236.
    This paper concerns Philippe Van Parijs’s case for an unconditional basic income. It argues that given central egalitarian commitments-to wit, (i) equal concern and respect; (ii) endowment-insensitivity (which can be seen to include Van Parijs’s project of maximizing or leximinning real freedom); (iii) ambition-sensitivity; and (iv) neutrality-endorsed by Van Parijs, a basic income does not appear to be a requirement of justice. The core claim defended is that there is a serious tension between (iii) and the idea of an unconditional (...)
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  38.  13
    Selbstbetrachtungen und Selbstdarstellungen: der Philosoph und Kaiser Marc Aurel im interdisziplinären Licht: Akten des Interdisziplinären Kolloquiums Köln 23. bis 25. Juli 2009 = Meditations and representations: the philosopher and emperor Marcus Aurelius in an interdisciplinary light.Marcel van Ackeren & Jan Opsomer (eds.) - 2012 - Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.
    English Summary: Marcus Aurelius was Roman Emperor and the last important ancient stoic philosopher. His Meditations are one of the most widely read and known ancient works. Thus, research on this emperor has spread across an almost unprecedented number of scientific disciplines. This volume, which originated at the first conference on Marcus Aurelius, held in Cologne in 2009, reunites publishes recent research in history, archaeology, philosophy, philology, numismatics, rhetoric, legal studies, and literature. German text. German Description: Marc Aurel war romischer (...)
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  39. Identi-tijd: tussen toekomst en verleden.Paul van Tongeren - 2023 - Amsterdam: Prometheus.
    In 'De ongelukkigste' uit 1843 schrijft de Deense filosoof Søren Kierkegaard dat het leven van de mens doordrongen is van de tijd. En met de tijd komt het lijden. Juist doordat we het verstrijken van de tijd belichamen, zijn we bijna nooit echt in het nu aanwezig. Sommigen leren daarmee leven door een thuis in het verleden te vinden, anderen in de toekomst. Dubbel ongelukkig is degene die zich de toekomst herinnert of het verleden verwacht. De hedendaagse mens, die niet (...)
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  40.  10
    Within my heart: the Enlightenment epistemic reversal and the subjective justification of religious belief.Michael A. Van Horn - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Introduction: Religious experience in modernity : faith itself as the "unknown God" -- Fides qua creditur : the Enlightenment mind and the theology of the heart -- Within the bounds of reason alone : the subjective justification of religious belief in the thought of Immanuel Kant -- Schleiermacher's "higher order Pietism" : subjectivity and Protestant liberal thought -- Søren Kierkegaard and the paradox of faith : subjectivity in Christian existentialism -- Subjectivity and religious belief in Anglo-American revivalism : Jonathan Edwards (...)
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  41.  18
    Beyond the Ethical Demand.K. E. Logstrup & Kees van Kooten Niekerk - 2007 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Danish theologian-philosopher K. E. Løgstrup is second in reputation in his homeland only to Søren Kierkegaard. He is best known outside Europe for his _The Ethical Demand_, first published in Danish in 1956 and published in an expanded English translation in 1997. _Beyond the Ethical Demand_ contains excerpts, translated into English for the first time, from the numerous books and essays Løgstrup continued to write throughout his life. In the first essay, he engages the critical response to _The Ethical (...)
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    Søren Kierkegaard: een biografische schets aan de hand van zijn geschreven nalatenschap.Maria Veltman - 1987 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    Leven en werk van de Deense wijsgeer Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855).
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  43. De herhaling van het onherhaalbare: Constantin Constantius over vrijheid en subjectiviteit [On Søren Kierkegaard's Repetition: A Venture in Experimental Psychology].Martijn Boven - 2013 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 53 (2):30-36.
    Is de herhaling mogelijk? Deze ogenschijnlijk simpele vraag vormt het uitgangspunt van De herhaling. Een proeve van experimenterende psychologie door Constantin Constantius (1843), een van de meest curieuze geschriften uit het oeuvre van Søren Kierkegaard. In dit artikel worden twee aspecten aan de orde gesteld die De herhaling tot een nog altijd belangrijk boek maken: 1) De ongewone filosofische stijl die in dit boek ontwikkeld wordt en 2) De eigenzinnige opvatting over vrijheid en subjectiviteit die er onder de noemer 'de (...)
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    Revisiting the Exchange between Zhuangzi and Huizi on Qing.Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (1):133-148.
    In this article we focus on the famous dialogue between Zhuangzi 莊子 and Huizi 惠子 concerning the question whether or not ren 人 (in particular the shengren 聖人) have qing 情. Most scholars have understood qing in this exchange as referring to “feelings” or “emotions.” We take issue with such readings. First, we demonstrate that, while Huizi probably understands qing as something like feelings or emotions, Zhuangzi’s view is that having qing is connected with making shifei 是非 judgments whereas having (...)
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    Ren矶an Woudenberg, Het mysterie van de identiteit. Een analytisch-wijsgerige studie. Nijmegen 2000: SUN, 126 pagina’s. ISBN 9058750418. [REVIEW]A. Tol - 2002 - Philosophia Reformata 67 (1):86-88.
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    Translation of Ren in Van Norden’s Mengzi.Jiyuan Yu - 2010 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 37 (4):660-667.
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    Grosse Kranke: Sören Kierkegaard, Vincent van Gogh, Reinhold Schneider.Fritz Heinrich Ryssel - 1974 - [Gütersloh]: Gütersloher Verlagshaus Mohn.
  48.  34
    Thinking Ahead: Bioethics and the Future, the Future of Bioethics. Challenges, Changes, Concepts: 11th IAB World Congress of Bioethics, Rotterdam, 26.–29. Juni 2012, organisiert von: Inez de Beaufort , Angus Dawson, Hans van Delden, Søren Holm, Maartje Schermer und Marcel Verweij. [REVIEW]Jan-Ole Reichardt & Markus Rüther - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):79-81.
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    Manichaica selecta. Studies presented to Professor Julien Ries on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Edited by Alois van Tongerloo and Søren Gieversen. [REVIEW]Laura Rizzerio - 1992 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 90 (86):218-221.
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    Kierkegaard on Repetition. An Incredible Equivalent of Theater within Philosophy [Kierkegaard over de herhaling. Een verbluffend equivalent van het theater in de filosofie].Martijn Boven - 2017 - Qualia 2017 (1).
    In 1842, Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard published Repetition: A Venture in Experimenting Psychology under the pseudonym Constantin Constantius. In this complex and distinctive work, he introduced a novel approach to philosophical inquiry. In Gilles Deleuze’s apt summary, Kierkegaard invents “an incredible equivalent of theater within philosophy” and establishes repetition as “the fundamental category of the philosophy of the future.” -/- [In Dutch: In 1842 publiceert de Deense filosoof Søren Kierkegaard De herhaling: een proeve van experimenterende psychologie onder het pseudoniem Constantin (...)
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